☆ paralyze まひさせる、しびれさせる、活動不能にする。paradize (天国)と大きな違いだ。 ☆ strand 立ち往生する、困る、座礁する。 ☆ stuck stickの過去・過去分詞。動けなくする、動かなくなる、はりつける。 ☆ bear the brunt of の矢面に立つ、brunt 攻撃のほこ先。 ☆ sleet みぞれ ☆ unplug 栓を抜く ☆ aftermath 余波。 afterlife は余生、晩年、何だか淋しいな・・。 Wind-driven snow paralyzed travel across the U.S. central Plains and Midwest Sunday, filling roadside motels with stranded motorists and roadsides with many people stuck inside their vehicles. Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa bore the brunt of the storm with 13 inches of snow Sunday in central Iowa, a foot in parts of Nebraska and 9 to 10 inches in Kansas. Parts of Wisconsin were hit with rain, sleet and snow. TECH STOCKS UNPLUG WALL STREET: NEW YORK - Stocks turned lower Monday as technology shares fell sharply in the aftermath of late Friday's profit warning from Compaq Computer.