気楽に・・・・English・・・・・・・Page 272

11/15/98       テキサスの川又さんからの情報

 A: I’m always running out of food.
  B: Why don’t you pick up some odds and ends at the store?
  A: Because I’m fed up with having to foot the bill. 
     I don’t like to throw my money down the drain.
  B: Have everyone chip in.

 A: No. Just skip it.

 Run out of                         v.) quickly finish the supply, use up   
 Pick up                            v.) obtain, get, buy
 Odds and ends                      n.) miscellaneous items  
 Fed up with                      adj.) disgusted with, had enough of
 Foot the bill                      v.)  pay
 Down the drain (tubes)   adj. or adv.) wasted, lost
 Chip in                            v.) contribute
 Skip it                            v.) forget, pass over, never mind, forget it
 Odds and ends は、いろいろ、さまざまな物の意として良く使われています。
 今回のLESSONの中で特に重要な言葉は、なんと言っても  Down the drain  です。 
 Skip it に関しては、 never mind, forget it の方が一般的だと思います。 

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