☆ 気楽に・・・ENGLISH ☆
                                       Vol.78. Jan.15. 2001

★ 前回の復習
★ Tabbyさん(=^ェ^=) の猫かわいがり
★ アメリカの祝祭日ーDr. Martin Luther King Day
   ☆ Reading Part 1
   ☆ Reading Part 2
★ 単語・熟語・発音
今日は1月の第3月曜日で Dr. Martin Luther King Day です。
Dr. Martin Luther King Day の 説明文が長いので ミニテストは休みます。

★ 前回の復習

21世紀に     ( in ) the twenty-first century
2001年に    ( in ) two thousand one.
  In 1957, Dr. King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

春に        ( in ) the spring.
10月に      ( in ) October.
午前中に     ( in ) the morning.

8月23日に        ( on ) Aug.13

  On August 23, 1963, a crowd of more than 250,000 people gathered
  in Washington, D.C.

月曜日に    ( on ) Monday.
  On Monday, January 20, 1986, in cities and towns across the country,
  people celebrated the first official Martin Luther King Day

★ アメリカの祝祭日ーDr. Martin Luther King Day (Third Monday in January)

☆ Reading - Part 1

"We will not resort to violence.
We will not degrade ourselves with hatred.
Love will not be returned with hate."


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is most famous for his "I Have a Dream"
speech that he delivered at the "March on Washington" in 1963,
a peaceful demonstration attended by more than 250,000 people.

マーティン ルター キング ジュニアー博士は 1963年に25万人以上
“I have a Dream" というスピーチで最も知られています。

African-Americans had to ride in the back of public buses.
Equal housing was denied to them, and seating in many hotels
and restaurants was refused.


He organized non-violent protests against unequal treatment
of African-American people.


On August 23, 1963, a crowd of more than 250,000 people gathered
in Washington, D.C. and marched to the Capitol Building to support
the passing of laws that guaranteed every American equal civil rights.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was at the front of the "March on Washington."
Dr. King delivered a speech that was later entitled "I Have a Dream."

キング博士は後に「I have a Dream」と名付けたスピーチをしました。

One year later, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed.
The act guaranteed equal rights in housing, public facilities, voting, and
public schools.

1年後 1964年の公民権法が成立しました。

Washington, D.C.  は ワシントン州?
Washington, D.C. は アメリカの首都で 米国北西部(大西洋側)で
DC は District of Colombia の略
Washington, D.C. とも Washington, DC とも書かれます。

☆ Reading - Part 2

Dr. Martin Luther King Day は・・・

In 1986, President Ronald Reagan declared the third Monday
in January a federal legal holiday commemorating Dr. Martin Luther
King's birthday.
Schools, offices and federal agencies are closed for the holiday.
On Monday there are quiet memorial services as well as elaborate
ceremonies in honor of Dr. King.
All weekend, popular radio stations play songs and speeches that tell
the history of the Civil Rights Movement.
Television channels broadcast special programs with filmed highlights
of  Dr. King's life and times.
This is a bank and school holiday in honor of theologian Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., a peaceful advocator of equal rights for African
Americans, who started the Civil Rights Movement.
He was assassinated in 1968 and is now a powerful figure in American history.


President Ronald Reagan は中曽根康弘氏が総理になったとき 
Ronaldの略の Ron と 康弘の略のヤス で ロンーヤスと

★ 単語・熟語・発音

resort                      [リゾート] 頼る、訴える
violence         [ヴァイオレンス] 暴力、暴行
degrade          降格する、堕落させる、悪くする、品位を落とす
    de + grade     de [di] は 否定、降下
hatred          [heitrid] 憎悪、憎しみ
African-Americans   アフリカ系アメリカ人、アメリカ黒人
March on Washington  に向って行進する
at the front of      の先頭に立つ
deliver          (演説などを)する、配達する
declare          宣言する
federal legal holiday  federal [フェデラル]連邦の、アメリカ全体の法定祝日
commemorate     祝う、記念する
quiet memorial services
as well as                  と同様に
elaborate        念入りに仕上げる、詳しく説明する
ceremonies       式典
in honor of        のたたえて 
the Civil Rights Movement   市民権運動
broadcast        放送する 
advocator        擁護者、主張者、弁護士 
theologian        神学者
Dr. King's life and times キング博士の生涯とその時代
assassinate                暗殺する
figure           人物、

★ Tabbyさん(=^ェ^=) の猫かわいがり

たびにゃんは 最近あまり かまってもらえないからか
私より先に私のベットで寝て 私より後から起きてくるようになりました
それでは お元気で


Home Page    : http://www.fureai.or.jp/~arima/english-cover.html
お問い合わせは: mailto:arima@fureai.or.jp
編集者    : Seisuke Arima, Yoshiko & Nobuhiro Kawamata, 
関連サイト   : ♪いきいき自己実現♪; http://www.fureai.or.jp/~arima
登録・解除は : http://www.fureai.or.jp/~arima/english-cover.html


『 まぐまぐ』 (ID:0000028281)     http://www.mag2.com
PUBZINE       (ID: 005024)         http://www.pubzine.com 
ティアラオンライン(ID: m100430) http://www.tiaraonline.com
メルマガ天国 (ID 2242)            http://melten.com/


☆ なんか変・・・

