気楽に・・・・English・・・・・・・Page 165


in の 用法

in the twenty-first century   (〜世紀に)
in the 1990s                  (1990年代に)
in 1998           
in the spring                (四季)
in October                    (〜月) 
in the morning, in the after noon, in the evening
in an hour                    (一時間で),   within an hour (一時間以内で)
in the world                  (世界中で)
in Africa                     (〜大陸に)
in the Caribbean              (地中海で)、瀬戸内海で
in Japan           (国)   
in Texas                      (州)
in Tokyo                      (都市)
in the World Trade Center     (〜ビルに)
in the living room            (〜部屋で)、in the kitchin,  in the bedroom
in a gray suit                (衣類で)  in a blue suit
in The Shitsurakuen           (本に)
in Asahi Weekly               (雑誌に)  the がついていない点に注目
in the (planning) department  (〜部に)
in + field                    (〜分野で)  in computer science 
in my opinion                 
in the past/ in the future
in a car/ in a taxi           59ページ   
in trouble
in danger
in part (=partially)
in front of 
in the middle of
in back of
in the rear
in the market
in line

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